New visual identity of the brand. Design of the portal is the #1 insurance comparison website in Poland. Together with the client, we took up the challenge of creating a distinctive visual system, which was to build a modern and coherent image of a brand-leader in the industry, functioning in a digital environment
Identification system
The new identification system is based on characteristic linear illustrations and infographics and their combination with photographs of people. In combination with the expanded colors, we have obtained a wide range of applications on various communication materials, regardless of their type and purpose.
Visual language
The new graphic design and own iconography distinguish by offering its own visual language. The applied transparent division of content facilitates the user navigating the portal and intuitive access to calculators of individual types of insurance.
Company materials
On the basis of the new identification, company job printing and materials most commonly used in promotional activities were also created, such as: advertising mailings, banners for online campaigns or posters.
In addition to iconography and drawings, a common element of all materials, regardless of their purpose, is the gradient strip, consisting of the brand's color palette. The Visual Identification System has been gathered in a new CI, which facilitates maintaining consistency of image activities between company branches.
webdesign ------ art direction ------ illustrtation ------ print ------ CI
Creative Director / Tom Szurkowski
Graphic Designer / Michał Jakobsze, Dominik Boberski
Project coordinator / Gosia Kłys
release --------- energy
wyzwól --------- energię
offline ----------
gsm +48 512 026 920
głogowska 100/3
Poznań. Poland