Volkswagen Poznań


OHS campaigns educating employees

The subject of health and safety is usually taken very seriously, also in communication. This, unfortunately, does not go hand in hand with the effectiveness of the message. That is why at CHIGO we were tempted to present this topic in an attractive, but simple and understandable way. Permanent cooperation of Volkswagen Poznań for several years is the best proof that thanks to a creative approach it is possible.

Tematyka BHP traktowana jest zazwyczaj bardzo poważnie, także w komunikacji. To niestety nie idzie w parze ze skutecznością komunikatu. Dlatego w CHIGO pokusiliśmy się, by przedstawić ten temat w atrakcyjny, ale prosty i zrozumiały sposób. Stała, kilkuletnia współpraca z Volkswagen Poznań jest najlepszym dowodem na to, że dzięki kreatywnemu podejściu, jest to jak najbardziej możliwe.


Action logo

It all began with a campaign supporting the introduction of the KAMS security certificate. A stylistically coherent and accessible concept was created and the logo refers to the Volkswagen brand, which is also a symbol of the shared care of all employees for safety.


catchy slogans 

Catchy slogans combined with simple graphics based on iconography and symbols first drew attention, and then lightly built awareness of the principles of occupational health and safety.
Fun, colorful, but above all, graphic motifs that fit in flexibly with printed materials have proven themselves on billboards, posters, stickers, catalogs and gadgets


 Funny, colorful, but most of all, graphic motifs that fit flexibly into printed materials worked well on billboards, posters, stickers, catalogs and gadgets.


Introductory VIDEO

We also dealt with the concept and production of a short film informing about the introduction of the KAMS certificate. At the second stage of implementing the quality system, we were responsible for preparing a series of animations based on Action Key Visuals.

Coherent communications

Employees had the opportunity to encounter stylistically coherent information materials in many places of the Volkswagen Poznań factory: employee lockers, canteen, machine screens or posters along communication routes.


Better prevention than convalescence 

Continuation of cooperation with the client was a preventive campaign aimed at effective education of employees, how important is their active response to potentially dangerous situations. We focused on a light and easy to remember message based on simple graphic symbols and the slogan: „Better prevention than convalescence".


Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables, symbolizing the 4 main groups of threats, evoked easy-to-remember associations, and were transferred to other materials, including gadgets for employees.


Custom forms 

We've also created a set of custom materials, including pendants that are hanged at the Volkswagen factory to more effectively inform about threats.



copywriting ------  strategy  ------  graphic design  ------  motion  ------  print


Creative Concept & Copywriting / Filip Grześkowiak 
Creative Director / Tom Szurkowski
Motion & Graphic Design / Dominik Boberski, Mariusz Kołodziejczyk 
Project coordinator / Małgosia Pieczyńska , Marysia Kozerska - Gęstwicka 

release  ---------  energy

wyzwól  ---------  energię



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