Money Zoom
Brand design. Mobile + desktop APP design. UX/UI
Branding for key products of financial comparison website Within several years of cooperation we have developed brand image and communication elements for the MoneyZOOM application. We have also supported the UX/UI design processes accompanying development of new functionalities for iOS + WindowsPhone.
Finances under control
MoneyZoom is the only Polish app dedicated to managing personal budget and finances. It has reached more than 50 thousand users and tens of positive reviews on APP Store.
mobile --------- 0n-line
The app offers real-time mobile data collection. After sending new data to the server, the user gains access to detailed financial plans and analyses.
brand design ------ graphic design ------ art directing ------ UX/UI
Client coordinator / Maciej Prostak
Creative Director, graphic design / Tom Szurkowski
Art direction, graphic design / Bartek Wągrowski, Andrzej Dobosz
Project manager / Małgosia Pieczyńska
release --------- energy
wyzwól --------- energię
offline ----------
gsm +48 512 026 920
głogowska 100/3
Poznań. Poland